Creative Warriors

357: Scott Sonenshein- Stretch What You Have and Achieve More



How many times do you feel like you don’t have what you need to be successful? Chances are you have everything you need to make your goals come true, you just have to learn to stretch. Many people spend all of their time looking for that perfect tool to make things work. There may not be a perfect tool. And if there is you may spend so much time looking for it, that you’ve wasted the precious resource of time. Instead, take the time to be creative. Find solutions to your business problems with what you have right now. It’ll save you time in the long run and increase your profits. Not only that, but by solving the problem in a more creative manner will give you a more unique solution and set you apart from the rest. On this episode of Creative Warriors we are joined by Scott Sonenshein, who has mastered the art of resourcefulness. He’s studied how having too many resources can be just as detrimental to your business as having too few. Download this episode today to learn how you can develop a more creative min