Creative Warriors

363: Nicholas Webb - Creating the Perfect Customer Experience



The world of business is changing so fast. Sometimes it feels overwhelming and hard to keep up with. To be honest, though, all we have to do is listen.  Customers and consumers today have more of a voice than ever before. They let us know exactly what they want, we just have to listen. Too many times we, as entrepreneurs and business owners, try to push what we think people want. Today we don’t need to look at demographics and try to lump people into groups. We can create a unique customer experience for everyone. We can get direct feedback, and find ways to improve based on exactly what the customer wants. On today's episode of Creative Warriors, we are joined by best selling author Nicholas Webb to discuss his new book What Customers Crave - which is used by top brands to design their customer experience (CX) and innovation strategies. Nicholas is one of the world’s top innovation strategists and futurists. As the CEO at Lassen Scientific, Inc. Nicholas works with Fortune 500 companies throughout the world