Creative Warriors

371: Lynn Robinson- Put Your Intuition to Work



There’s one thing so many of us do in business that hurts us more than helps. That is using our logic brain. Sometimes we need to shift our focus to our intuition and just trust our guts. Our intuition can guide us to the right path in so many ways that our conscious brains wouldn’t normally see. We all tend to listen to our intuition on personal issues, so why wouldn’t we do the same in business? There are some things only our subconscious mind realizes, so let it speak up. It’s something we need to practice every day to learn how to really listen to our intuition and be able to tell it apart from our negative inner voices. Luckily, on this episode of Creative Warriors, I brought in an expert to gives us simple actionable steps to developing our intuitions in business - Lynn Robinson. Lynn is a popular speaker on the hot topic of intuition. Her intuitive reading clients consistently praise her insights as “spot on,” resulting in personal clarity, creative solutions and overall success. She was Voted “Best In