Creative Warriors

385: Pia Silva - Badass Branding for Small Businesses



Branding is something that confuses people. When they hear the world they think pretty colors and pictures, catchy slogans and jingles, or large marketing departments and resources a solopreneur couldn’t afford. When it comes down to it, branding really is one of the most important things you can do for your business - and you don’t need a big budget for it. The branding of yesteryear, with catchy slogans that sound like something from a nursery rhyme, repel customers more than it attracts them. Today, branding is about starting with YOU. Starting with what YOU provide for the customer. Once you have a grasp on that, you want to use lingo that your ideal customer would understand and be attracted to. Your branding will repel some people, and that’s great. You want to push away people who aren’t your ideal customer and magnetize those that are a perfect fit for your business. Branding in business, especially small business, is no longer about having a one size fits all, catch as many fish as you can brand. You