Creative Warriors

400: Ulli Appelbaum- How to Balance Creativity and Logic to Help Your Brand



Something that has always fascinated me is brand storytelling. Many large businesses are straight to the point and matter of fact about their products and services. It makes them feel cold and like a machine, just looking to get in and get out with my money as quickly as possible. On the opposite end, small businesses can be so full of passion and love for every little detail about their business they can overwhelm the customer. Like anything in life, there’s a balance you need to find when you tell your customers your story. In the end, it doesn’t matter what you say - it just matters how you are perceived. You need to take the time to know the rules of branding, storytelling, making on impact. You need to know it so well, you can forget about them. When that happens you’re able to tap into your creative side, and be able to break them accordingly with how you see fit to help serve your brand. The rules and analytics are all their as a guide, but if you follow them all directly you’re just going to end up lo