Being A Whole Person

Compassionate Productivity Tips to Help You Cope With Being Busier



It’s often challenging to practice compassionate productivity as you’re trying to prioritize your creative practice and other important things in your life, but it can be even harder when you’re transitioning into a busier schedule or lifestyle. Many of us are doing that now in mid-2021, and finding ourselves with the overwhelming schedule equivalent of loaded-up plates at a buffet, but it can happen anytime! Here are 8 of my favorite compassionate productivity tips for transitioning as gracefully as possible, and replenishing your energy with intentionality and self-kindness. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ If you want to integrate managing your time and energy, so you have enough to accomplish the projects that are most important to you - that’s what my PDF workbook Fuel Your Creative Work With Compassionate Productivity helps you do! It’s full of amazing tools for creating a humane to do list and schedule that you can actually complete, no matter your level of energy and overwhelm, along with ways to self-compassionately adapt