Problem Solvers...ish

Problem Solvers…ish #2 — Dearly Invited…Wedding RSVPuhleeze.



The Dreaded Wedding Invitation     Nothing like a June Wedding! Unless you had other plans for those 30 days… Okay, so of course we know that there are some Blessed Events you really DO want to go to. But you and the nuptiates knew you’d be there long before the gilt-scripted envelope showed up. We’re talking about those invites that make you say, whahhhh? You’re not that close to the bride OR groom, you’re like, 2,500 miles away, and you KNOW you’re going to be forced to endure some freaky ceremony that offends your faith or lack thereof.… The post Problem Solvers…ish #2 — Dearly Invited…Wedding RSVPuhleeze. appeared first on The Greylock Glass.