Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 26: Eileen Flannigan



On the education and empowerment of adolescent girls as one of the keys to the future of the world. Length:43:16 Timecodes: 2:05 How Girls on Fire Leaders was born. 6:24 Girls on Fire Leadership Camps. Samburu. The power of using your voice. 9:36 What drew Eileen to this work. Women and poverty. India. Kiva Fellowship ( Manipur. Microfinance. Leadership potential. 15:40 Work with Shofco Access to nature. Karura forest. Mind expansive experiences. 19:09 Partnering with other organisations. Community involvement. 20:56 High numbers of HIV among adolescent girls. How leadership programs decrease these numbers. 21:35 Collaboration. 22:30 doTERRA Healing Hands foundation is matching donations to Girls on Fire Leaders before September 15th 2019. 24:14 Workshops with boys. How do we lead with empathy and love? 26:52 Makesh teaching classes using Practice You book. 27:52 Leadership in community. Girls on Fire Leaders asking important questions. 31:21 Outcomes of Girls on