Dangerous R&r Show Podcast

DRR SHOW ESPECIAL: A Dangling Conversation....A.J. Webberman talks to Robert Zimmerman.....



Alan Jules Weberman (born May 26, 1945), better known as A. J. Weberman, is an American writer, political activist/gadfly, and popularizer of the terms garbology and "Dylanology." He is best known for his controversial personal confrontations with the musician Bob Dylan and for his 30-year involvement with the Yippies, a counterculture movement of the 1960s. He was also an activist in the Jewish Defense Organization, said by the Anti-Defamation League to be a militant Revisionist Zionist organization regarded as a branch of Kahanism, but which professes to be a Jabotinskyite organization.A.J. Weberman has written on the life and works of Bob Dylan, leaving college to focus on creating what he calls a word concordance of Dylan's lyrics. Although a strong advocate of Dylan's importance as an artist, he is less supportive of Dylan the man.Weberman's literary analysis of Dylan's work, which he has termed "Dylanology," is centered around Weberman's assertion that, to Dy