Females In Aviation, Past & Present

Women in Corporate Aviation Scholarships, Stacey Kotrla



Women In Corporate Aviation Organization has 10 scholarships and, as of this interview, fewer than that number of applicants. In this podcast, Stacey Kotrla describes each scholarship in detail.  There scholarships for pilots, flight attendants, dispatchers, mechanics and management. Advancing pilots...imagine beefing up your resume with a CJ3 Type Rating, a $22,000 scholarship from CAE SimuFlite!  Hey GUYS...don't let the name fool you...WCA runs an equal-opportunity scholarship fund.  These scholarships are not gender restricted.  ACT FAST...the application deadline is August 30!  If you are reading this after the deadline, you are NOT too late as WCA offers a new round of scholarships every 6 months!