Night-light Radio

A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences for the Astral Traveler with James Willis



Jim Willis joins us tonight to share his new book, The Quantum Akashic Field: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences for the Astral Traveler,with us. He A first-hand exploration of how to consciously step out of your body and navigate the Quantum Akashic Field.• Details a step-by-step process of engaging extrasensory, out-of-body travel• Examines the quantum landscape of the Akashic Field, meetings with spirit guides, and descriptions of out-of-body experiences from the author’s personal journal and from world spiritual traditions, including the Bible and the Baghavad Purana• Explores current theories about the science of consciousness and sensory perception, including discoveries from quantum physics, and how these discoveries align with the traditional wisdom of shamans, dowsers, and mysticsHe details a step-by-step process centered on safe, simple meditative techniques, Jim shows how to bypass the filters of your five senses while still fully awake and aware and engage in extrasensory, out-of-body travel. Shar