Sparks Radio: Sparks Radio Podcast

Tacos vs Burgers, How To Turn 2K Into 20K Without Selling Drugs - Sparks Show Ep 307



Watch this episode here: 5 on FRIDEEEE! Graig and I are all here to tackle your questions! We talk about: Tacos vs Burgers, How To Turn 2K Into 20K Without Selling Drugs, and What's Wrong with Cracker Barrel! LISTEN NOW and SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!! 5 on Friday is where we like to answer your biggest questions. We answer questions that you've sent in via Instagram. So if you didn't send one in this week, be sure to hit up @SparksRadio or @GraigSalerno or @PikeTaylorRadio on Insta for next week's 5 on Friday! The Sparks Show is put out every weekday, so SUBSCRIBE and get it everyday! Tell a friend you enjoyed it! Follow and DM your address on INSTAGRAM @SPARKSRADIO for a free Sparks Radio sticker and I'll mail you one! Thanks for hanging!