Battleground Wisconsin

Media Call: Citizen Action to release County Ranking of Latino Affordable Care Act Enrollment in WI



Media Call: County Latino Health Enrollment Rankings During Latino Health Care Week of Action, ranking of WI Counties on Latino Affordable Care Act enrollment will be released Tuesday Citizen Action of Wisconsin and Covering Kids & Families will host a media call to release for the first time rankings of Wisconsin counties on Latino enrollment in the Affordable Care Act. Latinos are Wisconsin’s fastest growing constituency, and are spread across the entire state. Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act is a particular concern in the Latino community because information has been slower to reach them due to cultural and language barriers. Using the most recent data, Citizen Action will show how many Latino residents are estimated to be eligible for in counties across the state and what percent of those eligible are confirmed as enrolled so far. Locations for the Spanish speaking for enrollment help across the state will also be shared on the call. Open enrollment for 2016 ends on January 31s