Battleground Wisconsin

Supporting & Endorsing Overtime Pay



We discuss President Obama’s new rule expanding overtime to 4.2 million more full-time salaried workers, including 198,000 in Wisconsin, a change that will be an economic boon to Wisconsin communities. We look at the horribly slanted coverage of the new overtime rule from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and much of the mainstream media. We review Ron Johnson's embarrassing week where he said his support for Donald Trump does not mean he is endorsing him and he compared the 2016 elections with United Flight 93 on 9/11.The panel also talks about the surprising state supreme court vote against Gov. Walker’s education plan and conservatives in the state senate may reject the new election commission head who was unanimously nominated by bi-partisan commission. Finally, we are joined by Citizen Action organizer Anita Johnson who testified in trial this week for our lawsuit which challenges voter ID and other recent changes to Wisconsin election law.