Battleground Wisconsin

A Victory for Women’s Health



We welcome Nicole Safar, from Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin to discuss their $1.6 million settlement victory from the state and how the issue of women’s health will impact the 2016 elections. Jorna reveals Paul Ryan is shamelessly holding Zika virus funding hostage by tying it to cutting funding for Planned Parenthood. We review new job creation numbers ranking Wisconsin 33rd. Wisconsin continues to trail the national rate of job creation, as it has since July 2011. Russ Feingold launches his jobs tour blasting bad trade deals as the Irish-based Johnson Controls International celebrated its $150 tax avoidance merger completion this week that will make company Chairman, Alex Molinaroli eligible for $74 million in “golden parachute” payments. We conclude talking about our “Outsourced Wisconsin” tour launch at Rexnord Thursday and the Assembly Republicans release their 2017 agenda.