I'm With Phill

Republicans Raising Taxes YOU GIVE GOV A BAD NAME! https://vimeo.com/348967248



In 2018 the State of Utah had a record surplus of over ONE BILLION.  But instead of doing a tax refund to give excess money back to Utah taxpayers, they spent every penny and then raised taxes MORE!  At the end of the 2019 legislative session, they tried to pass a massive Tax Bill that would have taxed services that have never been taxed before in Utah and are typically NOT taxed in any of the other States. Due to the citizen revolt and uproar, they didn't pass the tax hike but instead have created a task force named Stronger Future, and they are traveling the state trying to convince us that we need to "Modernize" our tax system and start taxing like never before.  In this episode, Phill discusses some of the misinformation the state is passing on as fact, and he also includes the hilarious 2019 Keep My Voice KMV Awards video "YOU GIVE GOV A BAD NAME," specifically making fun of Republicans in government who consistently vote to raise taxes