Ufahamu Africa

Ep. 119: A conversation with Shamiran Mako and Valentine Moghadam on “After the Arab Uprisings”



In their upcoming book, "After the Arab Uprisings: Progress and Stagnation in the Middle East and North Africa," Shamiran Mako and Valentine Moghadam share their work on democracy and social transformation in North Africa after the Arab Spring. In an interview with Rachel, Mako and Moghadam talk about the six years of research leading up to the book and explain the four key frameworks of their analysis: state and regime type, civil society, gender relations and women's mobilizations, and external influence. There's no news wrap this week, but you can still see what we're reading, listening to, and learning this week in the show notes on our website, ufahamuafrica.com. … More Ep. 119: A conversation with Shamiran Mako and Valentine Moghadam on “After the Arab Uprisings”