Mindrolling With Raghu Markus

Ep. 92 - Hanging with Jack Carroll



Sam Harris (In the self-help section) - The gang weighs in on Mr. Harris, and his attempt to make an ‘intellectual case for those skeptical of the whole enterprise’. How should we approach his demand for validation regarding spiritual experiences The Media’s Role - Dave comments on the media’s false claim that the current youth is rejecting all religion, despite all the evidence that points to an increased interest in yoga, meditation, mysticism and psychedelics. Religion can’t be limited to specific guidelines Jack discusses his fluctuating stance regarding religion and it’s practices. In the end, a direct personal experience is difficult to disqualify. Can we definitively answer these questions? The Debate Rolls On - There appears to be an endless, ‘Us versus them’, quality to these discussions. The heated debates aren’t even limited to those in opposing fields of study. The good news is that more and more individuals seem to be open to all sides of the argument ‘Self’-Help - Who is really benefiting, and h