Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Vania Zask - Oceans, parking and Volvo's



Welcome to photography insights, the show that interviews people from the photography world. i'm your host Andrew Walmsley and today we feature a fun lovely surfing martian!  Yes it's Vania Zask a film photographer from Los Angeles and the other half of "all through a lens podcast". As a regular listener of allthroughalens, it was great to feature Eric in episode 130 and he really recommended Vania.  So I did my usual research and listened to even more episodes and just couldn't wait to get her on here.  I think you will understand from her vibe and constant giggles, she really is a fun and interesting lady. Vania's work is all about water, she's never far from it with her camera too.  She is known for her surfing shots and yes I mean shooting film on, in and under the water.  What is also fascinating is because of her love for old technology she approaches everything with a can do attitude.  Whether's its medium format, large format, cyanotypes or developing - she is a yes pers