Good News For Everyone: Tom Shanklin Ministries Podcast

The Marriage Union: Two Become One [Audio]



By Tom Shanklin The Word of God says, “”For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.” Ephesians 5:31, KJV. God has ordained a strong one-flesh union between a man and a woman. Marriage is God’s idea. His plan is one man, one woman, together for a lifetime. No matter what people or governments may say, God’s truth remains. No one can change it! When we comprehend God’s plan and understand that we are one flesh, we realize that whatever we are doing for our spouse, we are doing for ourselves. For the man, that means giving himself sacrificially for his wife, just as Jesus gave himself for the church. For the woman, it means yielding herself to her husband, just as the church is to yield itself to Christ. You see, in marriage we have an earthly picture of Christ and the church. I believe that this is why Satan is fighting so earnestly against marriages and even against the idea of marriage. God’s Word gives us the wisdom and dire