One New Person

Returning to Rituals in the Age of Change with Dr. Caitlin O'Connell



Dr. Caitlin O'Connell is a scientist, author, and storyteller. She holds a PhD in ecology, holds positions at both Harvard and Stanford, is an award-winning author of non-fiction, children’s books, and graphic novels, AND is a renowned expert on elephants.What’s that got to do with Pivoting, resilience, adaptability, human connection, or even just networking, for that matter?I had no idea. We were connected through a mutual acquaintance and, if I’m being honest, I only agreed out of politeness. I’m so glad that I did. This was the most unexpected, dare I say wild, conversation of the season, and quite possibly my favorite.Dr. O’Connell was just gearing up for a huge fundraising effort for her nonprofit organization, Utopia Scientific when the pandemic wiped out all possible fundraising events for the foreseeable future.In her words, she was forced with a decision: Implode, or explode?And boy did she explode, in the most creative way possible.In this conversation, Caitlin and I discuss everything from the bone