Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Dima Gavrysh - Afghanistan, decisions & questions



Welcome to photography insights, the show that interviews people from the photography world.  I’m your host Andrew Walmsley and today we have an intellectual and thought provoking photographer for you.  Dima Gavrysh started life in Ukraine and is now living and working in the USA (near Silicon Valley).  A man who has master degrees in cinematography from Kyiv and photography from Rhode Island (RiSD)! He’s a well travelled man who has worked as a freelance photojournalist for the Associated Press.  I first came across Dima’s work through lenscratch because of his work in Afghanistan. He tells us about important moments in his career like during 9/11 he was scanning in a news room and seeing what happened made him move to New York.  Dima ended up with an internship at the Washington Post as a prize for a Eddie Adams workshop.  After time he realised this had no meaning and saw the never ending war of Afghanistan in the news. That was the catalyst and volunteered to go over.