Vagina Talks

048 Letting the Plants Help with Nadine Artemis



Join Sophia as she talks with the brilliant Nadine Artemis about how to use plants to support and protect the many microbiomes in and on your body. If you hear anything from this episode, let it be this: there is nothing you need to change about your body to make it good enough. The smells and liquids your body makes are all just information about how well you’re doing and don’t need masking, removing, or stopping—only honoring and listening.     “[Plants] are the cosmic chemists. They’re taking all of the molecules from the cosmos: from the sunshine, the rays of light, the water, the air, all the elements and then making this in their little plant factories into these beautiful substances to share with humanity and I’m just so glad that we lined up for this lifetime and I get to create with them as my palette” -Nadine Artemis   You can find the beautiful botanicals discussed in this episode and more in Nadine’s online shop, you can follow Nadine on instagram @livinglibations and on facebook. Nadine's new