Alloutcoach Tim

CREATE EDIT MOVE AND SHAKE - An introspective interview with a celebrated film editor, executive and entrepreneur, Michael Rubin



I recently sat down with Michael Rubin, a former Netflix executive, successful serial executive, an accomplished and well-known film editor with experience of working with Oscar-winning worldly renowned directors such as Bernardo Bertolucci and Michelangelo Antonioni, writer, photographer, and independent thinker. In our discussion, Michael was extremely generous sharing lots of exclusive, behind the scenes stories of working at Netflix, Adobe, major film productions, start-up businesses he has owned so listen to the life lessons and diverse business work environments from which he has learned and grown to discover your own inspiration and creativity. This is a truly special episode which you can also see as a video podcast with bonus footage of some of Michael's photography works and personal masterpieces. Here is the timeline below for some of the highlights from our unforgettable discussion. Enjoy, subscribe, and share this episode with your friends and network! 1:18 - Career Turning Points and Overview. 6