"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

Move from feeling the fear to fearLESS with Stephen Somers



Extremely excited to talk to Stephen Somers – – a successful entrepreneur who has actually demonstrated the know-how for effectively building a seven figure global Amazon business, and who is teaching others how to do the same! Stephen will share with us his personal tips of How To Go From “Feeling the Fear” to FearLESS by making simple changes to one’s mentality! A NOT-TO-BE-MISSED SHOW on my C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network Host Page! Stephen started out working in the Mental Health Commission in Dublin, Ireland – a low-paying government job. He knew that he wanted more from life and spent most of his days Googling “how to make money online”. In doing so, he encountered just about every money-making scam on the internet! After discovering a friend of his Aunt’s was running an online eCommerce business, Stephen immediately traveled to the other end of the country to be introduced to him. Several weeks after meeting Robert, Stephen took his own very minimal savings, quit his job, packed his bags, and went to w