One New Person

The Healing Power of Organ Donation with Elisse Glennon



Elisse Glennon is the Executive Director of the New Jersey Sharing Network Foundation. The NJ Sharing Network is a non-profit organization for the recovery and placement of donated organs and tissues. The foundation, where Elisse presides, is dedicated to increasing the numbers of lives saved through research, family support, public awareness, and education.4000 New Jersey residents alone are waiting on the transplant list. So when COVID threatened the entire national healthcare system, Elisse and her team of 180 committed professionals plus volunteers had to navigate incredibly shaky seas.The big question was, would donations plummet, devastating the chances of everyone on that list, desperately in need of a transplant?Not on Elisse’s watch. Instead, the NJ Sharing Network had a record year. And in this conversation, Elisse teaches us precisely how they did it.Now, you might be tired of hearing about “mindset shifts” from the self-help community. But Elisse and her team are proof that it’s often mindset, not