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Ep. 201 | Maximize Your Attributes with Navy SEAL Rich Diviney



There's a stark difference between peak performance and optimal performance. What's the difference? Peak performance is a tactical, measured approach to show up on one day and crush it. Optimal performance is showing up in the day to day challenges of our lives and doing our best. Welcome to today's guest on the Academy —Rich Diviney. Rich Diviney is a former Navy SEAL Commander who served up 13 overseas deployments over 21 years as an active member and officer of the armed forces’ most elite, secretive group. Since Rich’s retirement in 2017, he has worked as a speaker, facilitator, and consultant with the Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute and Simon Sinek Inc. Reflecting on his vast experience, Rich recently wrote a book, The Attributes: 25 Hidden Drivers of Optimal Performance. This book will help you discover how to fit inside a team, how to handle stress, challenges, and uncertainty, and how you can master the attributes for success. In today's conversation on the Academy, you'll discover: How to tra