Scummy Mummies - Podcast

200: The 200th Episode! Live from hospital



This year, we're celebrating eight years and 200 episodes of The Scummy Mummies Podcast. We had big plans for this ep: fizzy wine! A lovely guest! Lots of lols! A lucrative advertising deal! But then, because premature babies, surprise divorces and global pandemics just aren't enough curve balls, life decided to kick us another one. So we've ended up recording this episode with Helen dialling in from hospital, where she's looking after her poorly daughter. Thank you for all the kind words of support. We decided to go ahead and record something because so many people have been messaging us, and we wanted to share what's going on. And because we did want to mark 200 episodes in some way, even if we had to swap the fizzy wine and birthday cake for IV drips and M&S salads. Most of all, we want to say thank you to everyone who has listened and subscribed to the podcast, who has written us lovely reviews, who has sent us funny confessions, and shared messages of encouragement.