Inflection Point With Lauren Schiller

How To Reinvent Journalism - Cristi Hegranes, Global Press Institute



Cristi Hegranes wanted to be a foreign correspondent since the time she was six years old. Within days of achieving her dream job, after all the traditional training, she realized she was the wrong person for the job. The right person? The women who actually live in the countries usually covered by outsiders. So she decided to train women journalists and give them a platform to tell the stories of their own communities. As she says, "To change the story, you have to change the storyteller." Inflection Point is brought to you by FreshBooks—spend less time dealing with invoices and expenses, and more time changing the world. Get your first 30 days free with no obligation at and enter “Inflection Point” in the how did you hear about us section. And—Women’s voices have never been more vital. Your monthly support will make them be heard. Become an Inflection Point patron today. Thank you!