Raw & Real With Cj Ripka

Dave Jackson Joins Podcasters Guild



Dave Jackson Joins the Podcasters Guild Podcast on this episode of Raw & Real. once again we are featuring the Podcasters Guild Podcast. A Project I was working on in the fall of 2016 that I felt very passionate about and still am if we are being honest. In this episode we are talking to School Of Podcasting creator, Dave Jackson.About Dave I've been podcasting since April of 2005. My podcast about podcasting has been downloaded over 1.4 million times (as of 2014). I've helped hundreds of people launch podcasts. You can hear my podcasts on this site as well as powerofpodcasting.com, morepodcastmoney.com, weeklywebtools.com, logicalloss.com, feedingmyfaith.com, growyourchurchshow.com,  marketingmusician.comHow Dave is DifferentUnlike many other “geeks” who know how to podcast, I've been a technical trainer for over 20 years. This means I not only do I understand the technology but I can explain it in a plain English “geek-speak free” environment. I hav