Blue Streak Science Podcast

The Blue Streak Bucket List



The desire, the yearning for answers lies within each of us. The discomfort of not knowing the answers can lead us down many paths of beliefs and behaviors. Our discomfort at not knowing everything immediately has given us 24 hour cable news, and smartphones never outside of our reach. It’s given us our social media, news websites…one more peek at the smartphone before we drift off to sleep…only to reach for the smartphone the very moment we awake. When a major tragedy happens in the world this discomfort of not knowing everything about it can result in obsessive media watching. And when the news outlets have repeated ad nauseam every known detail about the tragedy, and fill in the gaps with gratuitous speculation still they continue on. Conspiracy theories, cultural bigotry, meteors, terrorist plots…no amount of speculation is too outlandish, ugly, or improbable to breathlessly blather while the ever-believing public look for answers...any answers. We must accept that when we don’t know, we just don’t know.