Blue Streak Science Podcast

Foam hearts, Nobel Prizes, Mini brains, Virus detection, Death by Worm Star, and Tales of Epigenetics



Blue Streak Science News Foam artificial heart Nobel Prize week A 'working' miniature brain New test detects all viruses that infect people Death by worm-star Tales of epigenetics The Jackass of the Week Our Jackass of the Week is Dr. Ben Carson Ben Carson is a retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and Republican Party candidate for President of the United States. He has become popular figure in the right-wing political media for his views on social and political issues after a speech at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. This year on the 4th of May at a rally in Detroit Carson announced he was running for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election. On 30 September, last week, Carson was asked by a voter in New Hampshire to explain his disbelief in climate change. Dr. Ben Carson The question was: "You don't believe in evolution or climate change, I believe. And I was just wondering, do you seriously not believe that climate change is happening?" The New Republic’s Rebecca Leber reported