Do It With Dan

'Courage is a Muscle'



Are you intimidated by the idea of publicity? Do you view it as a barrier to taking your life or business to the next level? You are not alone. Remember though, that ‘courage is a muscle’ and you’ve got to exercise it regularly, if it’s to get stronger! Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience with some more great discussion on the power of the mind in all things. Whether you want to manifest more wealth, emotional abundance or love in your life; this is the podcast for you. Knowing how to put our best foot forward, in the world of online marketing, is a big part of our success these days. It’s all about taking the first step and building momentum. Get off the starting blocks and keep on going! In this episode, Dan has ‘corker’ of a conversation with entrepreneur, business consultant, and lifestyle wellness coach Keetria Garner-Chambers. Keetria is Co-founder and former Managing Director of the AMW Group, she i