Talking Africa

#108: Niger's 'African Apocalypse'



In this week’s episode we’ll be visiting a dark moment in the history of Niger. It's a moment that few talk about. yet alone know about.Known as the Voulet-Chanoine mission, it was led by captain Paul Voulet in 1898. in just a few months, he spearheaded a campaign of terror as he made his way towards lake chad, in an effort to unite all of france’s territories in west Africa. Nearly a year later, the expedition ended. but the damage was done. and the scars are still felt to this day.In a feature-length documentary called ‘African Apocalypse, Femi Nyader and Rob Lemkin retrace the path of Voulet and meet the people who still share the stories of their families who survived the campaign. We speak to them about their visual journey.