

Having a million dollars in your checking account will make you happy, right? Not quite —unless you've done the inner work of fulfillment, letting go of the past and loving who you are. Which is why we can acquire the corner office, the $250,000 salary and even the dream relationship: And still feel off and like something is missing. As you know on the Academy —we define success as the unison of high performance and achievement with deep fulfillment and inner peace. Enter today's guest, John Roa. John Roa is a lifelong entrepreneur, technologist, philanthropist, business investor, and writer. He has founded and managed six technology companies since learning to program at age 11. His largest company, ÄKTA, went on to be one of the fastest growing companies and was fully acquired by Salesforce Inc.  “A Practical Way to Get Rich, and Die Trying”, Roa’s memoir on his meteoric rise, and subsequent crash, as the CEO of ÄKTA was released in September 2020. Outside of business, John is a passionate activist and phil