Power Health Talk With Dr. Martin Rutherford And Dr. Randall Gates

Stress – Functional Medicine Back to Basics



https://youtu.be/I886tphw7CE In this episode of Functional Medicine - Back to Basics Dr. Rutherford discusses stress and how it can be a major contributor to chronic conditions. Note: The following is the output of a transcription from the video above. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Rutherford please visit http://PowerHealthConsult.com Hi I'm Dr. Martin Rutherford, again back with our back to basics of functional medicine and what functional medicine should look like and how you go about treating a lot of the chronic cases that we particularly see in this office. We've gone over just a number of things. Now I can't put them all in order and review them that we've gone through the history. We've gone through the exam we've gone through, so many of the basics of what needs to be done. The foundational one easily done, and