Giant Geek Vs. Mega N00b

This Week: Four Weddings and a Funeral



Hello again, fearless listeners, and sorry for the slight delay on this week's podcasting!For our latest episode, Eric ventures into territory he's not super into while Emily gushes endlessly about Hugh Grant. Have you guessed it yet?It's Four Weddings and a Funeral! This is also known as the best Hugh Grant movie of the very Hugh Grant-heavy 90s (disagree? I'll fight you.) And yes, sure, Andie McDowell is also in it, so huzzah for her if that's your thing.In any case, you have no excuse not to watch this film, because it's a. delightful and b. now on Netflix. If you'd prefer, you can also find it on Amazon. So that's helpful.Enjoy, and see you in a couple days for the full episode! See for privacy and opt-out information.