Staines Cong Church Sermons

Galatians 5



Jesus has bought us eternal freedom from having to make excuses for our behaviour. Salvation can't be lost, but freedom can. We must stand for and defend our faith. Gal 5:1 - it is possible to return to the yoke of slavery, whether it's the law of Moses or paganism (this is where the Galatians were previously) or any system of 'dos and don'ts' A good test is to ask ourselves: 'Why do we do the Christian things we do?' Is it to impress the people around us, is it out of habit, or is it because of the joy of the Lord?! 2 Cor 9:7 gives an example of this principle and should be enacted in our lives and our action and not just our financial giving. You cannot mix and match Grace and Law. Gal 5:3 - Once we have justified ourselves, we reduce the value of Christ's sacrifice and we risk being alienated from Christ. Knowledge of failure -> Fear of punishment -> Grasp of grace -> Cheerfully godly life -> back to Knowledge of Failure (but this time around, because we are saved we no longer fear punishment, bu