Staines Cong Church Sermons

Joshua part 1



In the beginning God created Adam and Eve. Only one rule! God does this through history; he wants people in His place, under His rule. They broke the rule. Eventually God chose Abraham to start over again. Abraham's family, the Israelites end up in captivity; God calls Moses to lead them into Canaan (God's place) .. and this is where Joshua comes along. First reference to Joshua in Exodus 17:8 - the battle where Moses has to keep his arms outstretched for victory. When Moses goes up to Mount Sinai (Exodus 24) Joshua is his assistant. Joshua accompanied Moses to the 'tent of meeting' where God appeared in the pillar of cloud. He was originally called Hoseha, Moses renamed him Joshua (means 'God Saves') Numbers 13:1-14:9 - Moses sends the men into Canaan and they come back with the reports. Only Joshua and Caleb trust the Lord enough to say that they can take the land. Joshua's quote: "If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it t