Crosspoint Jasper




QUARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING TODAY AT 11:00 AM Immediately following the morning service, we will have a brief business meeting in the auditorium to approve the 2021 budget. You can pick up a copy of the 2021 budget on the back table. MEN’S NIGHT AT THE PATTERSON HOME OCTOBER 17th AT 5:00 PM On Saturday, October 17th we are having our first men’s gathering since February! We will be starting with a bang, literally. All men are invited to join us for a clay shoot at Brent Patterson’s home and Jon Beight will be our special guest that evening and as always, the food will be great. Feel free to invite other men to join you this evening. You can RSVP to Brent at or 812-309-3614. REACH FALL HARVEST PARTY TONIGHT AT 5:00 PM Fall break is just around the corner and we want to celebrate this Sunday. REACH Student Ministries will be having a bonfire at the Belt’s home from 5-8pm. Please invite your friends and come ready for a great time!