Crosspoint Jasper

Weekly Announcements



THANKSGIVING SERVICENOVEMBER 22nd Please mark your calendar and make plans for your family to join us for our Thanksgiving Serviceon November 22nd. We will enjoy a time of praise and worship during our Worship Service from 10:00 –11:15 AM, followed by a Thanksgiving mealat 11:30 AM. There is a sign-up sheet on the back wall for those interested in attendingas well as an opportunity to bring a dish to share. This will be a wonderful kickoff to our holiday season! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD NOVEMBER NEEDS OCC Collection week is Nov. 16 –23rdand our church is a drop off location for our community. We are looking for 2 volunteers to filleach 2-hour shifts, teens and kids can help with an adult.Times are listed below. If you are interested, please contact Christa Patterson you would like to help but are not available to collect boxes, we are looking for donations to cover the shipping cost. Each box costs $9.00 to ship. Mon, Nov. 16: 4:00 PM –6