Studio Chaotic podcast

House of Imp 20 – A change of heart – A rant – The Imp – A podcast getting its shit together.



Studio Chaotic - Restarting - On schedule - What? Yeah, i know it sounds incredible. But it’s true. This podcast escaped death by a fraction. Here’s me and Imp deciding the future. There’s a rant about why and a big thanks to one of my Podcast heroes. Mentions and links: Shoutout to Dave Jackson at School of podcasting. My home on the web - Studio Chaotic. Icarus Machine - The band - Prog-metal storytelling. Join our Patreon page here. For as little as $2 per month you get more than just a pre-release of one of our new tunes. You also get our first album - This Sundered World. . Now that is a good deal. @JennyKMusic The schedule: To start with, Studio Chaotic will release episodes every second Friday starting tonight May 5th. JennyK and Imp [ Still here - still talking nonsense - still seriously having too much fun. Saying Embrace the crazy - All is well!