Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Linda Alterwitz - projects, breathing & technology



Welcome back, this one is episode 123 and another lovely artist.  After speaking with Jeanine in episode 120 she was kind enough to recommend I look at Linda Alterwitz's work.  After looking over her work contacting it was clear she had a way with her art.  Linda describes herself as "working within the intersection of art, technology and science".   When you see her work you will see why too. Linda talks about where the ideas for the projects come from - like watching a tv show or out with her husband.  She started life with a Master in Fine Art & Painting, but was already doing oil painting with her mother at about 5 years old.  Life has not always been easy though and talks about having a brain tuma in her 30’s.  How this actually influenced her use of medical technology for her work too.  This medical project started with using dog x-rays + layering with landscapes.  She then moved to human ones and collaborated with hospitals too. Linda is very inter