Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Eric Kunsman – Dr Pepper, payphones + Rochester



Welcome back everybody, we are now on episode 125 so really happy to bringing you another amazing guest for this weeks show.  Eric Kunsman is an educator (Rochester Institute), artist and damn nice guy who was recommended by Elizabeth Stone.    I'm so so pleased recently with the list of fascinating and kind people that have been recommended recently.  Eric is from the Rochester area of New York  and although was famous for Kodak in the past, it's not the same picture anymore.  Rochester has some other history for us too, as we have already interviewed the one and only Clay McBride from the university and a former student - Nick Brandreth! Anyway Eric started his own Booksmart studio back in 2005 and made colour printing profiles for a number of well known international companies.  His studio allows him to not allow process film, but he has a fully functional darkroom, Aladdin's arcade of Kodak memobirilia and you can even try gum, carbon or platinum printing!  Er