Foundation Church

Jesus Came for You



Does God care about your struggles and pains? Often it seems to us that the only way that God could love us is if we clean ourselves up and become presentable to him. But the bible doesn’t demand that, in-fact it is a primarily a story of God loving the unlovable and rescuing those who are dirty and broken. You should never forget the truth that when Jesus came, he came for you. Discipleship Questions: When was a time when you were rejected? How did you feel, what was you response to being rejected? What thoughts do you have when you here the words ‘God so loved the world’? Who in your life would you consider 'furthest from God'? How do you feel knowing that God could save them? Explain in your own words how God has loved you? Read Isaiah 55:1-3 together, what do we learn about God’s grace from this passage?