Live Rich

Decisions That Move Your Life



Attaining lasting wealth is a conscious decision – and so is choosing mediocrity. The roots of success and failure are found in numerous small decisions that you make each and every day about how you are spending your precious energy and time. Are the steps you are taking today moving you in the right direction? Read the full post: Summary: We all make decisions each day – many without even actively thinking about them as we make them. They may seem to be small actions, but they collectively add up to determine the quality and impact of the days, months, and years that make up our lives. Are you actively making decisions that drive you toward reaching the outcomes and goals that you have set for yourself? Or are you allowing your decisions be made by others or by default? It can be very easy to justify making small deviations away from your fitness or financial goals when caught up in the moment. But allowing the exception to prevail each and every time is a surefire strategy that will se