Hugo's Posts

Insurrection - The aftermath of Jan 6 2021



Insurrectionist attacked Democracy on January 06, 2021. Where do we go from here Hugo opines. Today on the Show: The Wolf and the Crane by Aesop Once when a Wolf was eating supper, a bone stuck in his throat. Almost chocking to death, the Wolf begged a Crane to to put her head into his throat and draw out the bone.  "I will reward you generously," the Wolf promised.  It took the Crane only a few minutes to pull out the bone. But when she asked for the reward, the Wolf laughed at her. "Were you not able to pull your head safely out of my jaw? Is that not payment enough!" "I should have known," thought the Crane, as she flew off." Moral: "When one serves the wicked, one shold expect no reward." Subscribe to the Podcast or you can find Hugo on Twitter at @hugosposts | Insta at @hugotorres |