Sanford Speaks

Creating A Safe & Reliable Virtual Learning Environment For Your Child



Recommendations are given by Sanford School's technology team for creating a safe and reliable virtual learning environment for your child. See the full transcript below: Sanford School | Creating A Safe & Reliable Virtual Learning Environment For Your Child Audio [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to Sanford Speaks, the podcast that provides valuable insights and information to help parents and students navigate the world of education. Today's host is Sanford communications director and IT director, Cheryl Fleming. We hope you enjoy this episode. Welcome to Sanford Speaks. Our topic today is creating a safe and reliable virtual learning environment for your child. This is another in our podcast series about living, learning, and teaching through the pandemic. Our guests today members of Sanford's technology team. We're fortunate to have them, because they're very busy. But they bring a ton of expertise to this topic. And so we're going to begin by asking each one of them to introduce themselves. Dave, why don't you