Cloud Gossip

How to buy cloud intelligently



Today on the show: we give you the vocabulary and tools to buy cloud in an intelligent way. Prologue So, you have decided to buy cloud! Good decision. Cloud provides a lot of benefits such as flexibility, evergreen versions and cost effectiveness. If you look around - surf the internet or visit an expo - you'll find that there are so many options for a cloud provider. Each and every one of them claims to be the best in some metric, and they are the one you should choose. However, how can you evaluate them? You might be wondering, which provider should I trust? What should I ask them? What should I keep in mind when purchasing cloud. In this episode, we give you the vocabulary and ammunition to buy cloud in an intelligent way. To get to the bottom of purchasing cloud, we will first have to discuss and figure out what the cloud actually is. Usually the cloud is categorized into 3 different sections. They are Software as a service also known as SaaS, Platform as a service known as PaaS and Infrastructure as a se