Sex Out Loud With Tristan Taormino

Solo Polyamory, Relationship Anarchy & Sex Positivity with the hosts of the Multiamory Podcast



The hosts of the Multiamory podcast Emily Matlack, Jase Lindgren, and Dedeker Winston join Tristan Taormino to talk about solo polyamory, relationship anarchy and sex positivity. We talk about what solo polyamory means, why people chose it, how they practice it, and what it looks like during a pandemic. We get into the basics of relationship anarchy as a philosophy and style and what it’s like in the real world. We have a discussion about sex-positivity, sex negativity, and how COVID-19 has affected attitudes about sex and dating. Plus, we address the current controversy over swingers going back to holding in-person events. Because this foursome has extensive experience with nonmonogamy, this is an in depth conversation where everyone shares some really personal stuff. This episode is possible because of the generosity of Calm ( and Dipsea   Emily Matlack is a relationship mediator, specializing in jealousy management, an actor, and a proud vegan. She is the funny b